Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Break-Up

Dear John,

It's not you it's me. Well, actually, it is you. It's not that I don't remember the good times. You've been there with me through an entire love affair, and really, I can't imagine what I would have done without you. And how you were so stubborn about letting me use labels! Ah, good times.

When it came down to it, it was the good old 'pros and cons' list that did you in. You're so customizable, so easy to post pictures, so user-friendly. But Wordpress. It's just so damn pretty. And yes, I was very happy with us before it turned my head. Truth be told, the layout of all my old posts are bent out of shape about this transfer. But, Blogger, I can write password-protected posts over there. And while it doesn't let me move things around quite so much, it's just... well, sexier.

I'm sorry it's over, I really am. But if you ever need me, you can find me at It's not too late for us, Blogger. You can still make it up to me. It's been a swell ride, and I'll never forget you.


love, Chica xxx

P.S. I reserve the right to come crawling back if it all goes tits up.

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