Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Mrs. De Winter

My hugely knowledgeable and therefore incredibly annoying friend (kidding) made me change my browser to firefox, and now my blog looks different and I don't like it! I'll get over it. Been busily typing useful quotes to papier mache my essay out of today. Spent the weekend catching up with my mates, playing crazy golf and shivering my ass off in Southport. Saw a little dog running around in a jumper. I want one for my puppy! Apparently you can get them with their names on too. How cute! Unless your dog's called Killer or Tank or Butch or something more suiting a studded collar I suppose. I also have to admit to watching Fame Academy. Purely for charitable purposes, of course! I have to say I'm loving it. I'll be phoning up for Edith, and maybe Gina.

For those keeping track, namely me and the boyf, the crazy golf tournament, (of which I was self proclaimed champion last year as I won two free games! Oh, the amazement. ) currently stands at a score of 1-1.

My crazy friend, let's call her Mrs. De Winter (you know who you are!) may have a very decent job offer in the pipeline, so congrats and crossed fingers go out to her. You were made for it I'd say Mrs. W! No dragging your colleagues (or a certain person) down to your beach hut! You don't need me to tell you where that leads...

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