Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Swine!

Oh My God. My tutor is actually abandoning me and has quit his job. I'm being palmed off on somebody else with as little ceremony as an email suggesting I get in touch with his replacement.

Given up hope, do you think? The bugger advised me all wrong (he does not specialise in the field I'm examining, and therefore has tried to lead me toward other subjects, namely sexuality, despite the fact I'm interested in postcolonialism), and now he's going to let some other dude clear up the mess!

The nerve of it!

I'm planning on asking if there's any way I can go part time at work this week, but I had an opportunity to do just that today and bottled out because, in case you've forgotten, my boss hates my guts. I so need to but I really think that they'll say no. But I can't keep hanging around, waiting for a part time job to open up and fooling myself that I'll "make time" for my dissertation in the meantime. Because there's just too many things going on in my life for this to happen. And then there's the thing about having zero motivation to make this phantom time appear.

Maybe my new supervisor - a guy I've never met or even heard of, will help?

Yeah, I won't hold my breath on that one.


Anonymous said...

Here's hoping the new guy won't be useless!!!

What are you writing your dissertation on? I love me some giant research papers!!!

I say do what you need to in order to have time for your dissertation, as long as it doesn't mean starving to death because you quit your job and can't afford to eat...

Chica said...

Yep, definitely got my fingers crossed on that one!

It's on Food and the Female body in Twentieth Century Women's Writing.

Thanks for the advice x