Friday, July 07, 2006

Paint the whole world with a rainbow

Hmm, for some reason Blogger is being very finickity about letting me upload certain images, so apologies for the lack of pictorials in the last few posts.

This week there has been a flurry of activity whilst the Boyf and I have been gathering things together for our trip to France. Cue many trips to B&Q and Ikea. Last night at about eight o'clock, we set out for Ikea and bought lots of soft furnishings to try and brighten up the building site AKA maison where we'll be living for a month. Now, the purchase pictured here may not seem to be the most necessary item of equipment for such an endeavour, but just look how pretty! I'm sure it will cheer me up of a morning when I'm drinking my French coffee and eating croissants! :)

The thing I like about Ikea is the little demo rooms they have set up. I remember being dragged around Ikea as a child, desperate to sneak in when the shop was closed and play house in the gorgeous little sitting rooms and kitchens. Now that I'm a 'grown up', the impulse hasn't waned, and I sometimes think wistfully of that phase I was determined to become an interior designer and make everything beautiful - a phase that was killed, I think, by overexposure to programmes like Changing Rooms and all the rubbish on UK Style my mum inflicted upon anyone who wanted to spend time in the sitting room. But now that I get to pick and choose my own surroundings to a certain degree (cash flow allowing), I can see again what a cool job that would be. And perhaps the French venture will be a good test for whether I'd be suited to such a life or not.

This may seem a bit of a swerve in direction considering I'm always banging on about how much I'd love to write for a living. And that may be true; writing will always be my first love. But I'm happiest when I'm being creative, and a job that not only allows but encourages and even demands my creative side is like my own personal holy grail. If I ever won the lottery, I would up and go and buy houses all over Europe to renovate one by one. Then I could write all about it and indulge both passions simultaneously!

Ah, we can but dream eh?

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